GROWTH Coaching

Launching in 2024. Check the weekly mailings for announcements, including diary openings.

Learn more about our coaching packages to reach your next GROWTH level this year. When you're ready to get started, select your preferred option and secure your first session with payment.

If you know what you want and are ready to move forward, click the button above to secure your consultation. This payment will be deducted from the package you've chosen.

Your struggles, our support

We focus on helping you to acknowledge and address what's stopping you from closing the gap between who you are and who you were designed to be.

Who for? 

Why AwakenGROWTH?

Be ignited to move forward

Who for? 

Why ActualiseGROWTH?

Become disciplined to stay on track

Who for? 

Why AmplifyGROWTH?

Believe in making anything happen

What are the key components of the coaching programme?

10 starter questions
Book the consultation call to start your GROWTH journey.
30 core growth questions
Select a coaching option to do a 30-90 day challenge.
12-PART programme covering levels 1-7
This programme is designed against a 90 day plan to work through all 30 of the core GROWTH questions at three intervals and have embedded WEALTH check points to pace your progression.

For high impact, we recommend investing in the programme across 12-13 weeks, following the plan on 90 consecutive days (ActualiseGROWTH). For deep immersion, we recommend investing in the programme plan across 12-13 months, following the plan by assigning blocks of days to each month (AmplifyGROWTH).
Level 1 – Awakening
Level 2 – Aspiring
Level 3 – Actualising
Level 4 – Advancing
Level 5 – Attaining
Level 6 – Amplifying
Level 7 – Accelerating
7 x GROWTH levels
WEALTH check points 
As well as the GROWTH questions associated with levels, if you select ActualiseGROWTH or AmplifyGROWTH, we will follow the GROWTH roadmap and cover how the community pillars and core self-governance principles are embedded throughout. 

Check points may include:
Self assessment, adjustment and realignment
THE COACHING SESSIONS: delivery and discussion–BREAKING DOWN the levels
Each coaching session is one hour. Variation depending on the package selected
Session (Days 1-30)Awakening and Aspiring (plus suggestions on how to self-direct the remaining levels)
Session 1 (Days 1-22):
Awakening and Aspiring

Session 2 (Days 23-64):
Actualising, Advancing and Attaining

Session 3 (Days 65-90):
Amplifying and Accelerating
Session 1 (Days 1-8):

Session 2 (Days 9-15):

Session 3 (Days 16-22):
Check point

Session 4 (Days 23-36):

Session 5 (Days 37-50):

Session 6 (Days 51-57):

Session 7 (Days 58-64):
Check point

Sessions 8 (Days 65-71):

Session 9 (Days 72-78):

Session 10 (Days 79-90):
Check point and completion
All private calls and sessions are recorded for your to visit at any time.

Do you want to chat first?

Need to learn more about the coaching options before selecting one? 

Consultation call


This is a private, 1-1 call and includes:

  • 30min meeting via Zoom to discuss your needs/wants
  • 10 starter questions
  • Learn about and discuss the GROWTH coaching packages to make the right decision for you, before the financial investment and time commitment

This fee will be deducted from the full price of all one-to-one coaching option when you're ready to move forward on your journey to more GROWTH and better WEALTH.

One-to-One Coaching Packages

Start or continue your GROWTH journey with us. Have your own private coaching sessions and challenge yourself to make strategic progress in life.


One-to-one coaching
  • 1 x 60min coaching session via Zoom
  • 10 starter questions for GROWTH
  • 12-part programme provided via the 90 day plan for self-direction (includes the 30 core GROWTH questions across all 7 GROWTH levels and 5 WEALTH check points)
  • Unlimited access to your 1-1 coaching session recording


for 1 session


One-to-one coaching 
  • 3 x 60min monthly coaching sessions via Zoom
  • 10 starter questions for GROWTH
  • 12-part programme provided via the 90 day plan with some accountability (covering 30 core GROWTH questions across all 7 GROWTH levels and WEALTH check points)
  • List of the 30 core GROWTH questions (separate resource)
  • GROWTH levels delivered and discussed in blocks within sessions, following the roadmap
  • Unlimited access to your 1-1 coaching session recordings


for 3 sessions

Best option for impact!
Also great for integration into the GROWTH Challenge group coaching sessions.


One-to-one coaching
  • 10 x 60min monthly coaching sessions via Zoom
  • 10 starter questions for GROWTH
  • 12-part programme provided via the 90 day plan with direction and accountability (covering all 7 GROWTH levels and WEALTH check points)
  • List of the 30 core GROWTH questions (separate resource)
  • Each GROWTH level delivered and discussed in depth separately within sessions, following the roadmap
  • Unlimited access to your 1-1 coaching session recordings
  • Access to additional resources which may be personalised for your journey and individual learning style
  • Full access to the GROWTH Challenge, with immediate ActiveChallenger status


for 10 sessions

Best option for IMMERSION!
The consultation cll fee will be deducted from all of the one-to-one coaching packages. We have payments plans available for ActualiseGROWTH and AmplifyGROWTH. The AwakenGROWTH is a one-time payment option, as the lowest most affordable offer we can make. Please choose the coaching package you want and we will contact you for next steps. If you'd like one of the payment plans currently available, please raise this in your consultation call.


Group Coaching Payment options

Join us for the GROWTH Challenge. Be a part of the group coaching sessions with active challengers and engage with others for greater accountability.


Group coaching
  • 7 x 90min group coaching session dates within a 12 month cycle (each session focuses on a different GROWTH level, following the roadmap)
  • Induction pack including the GROWTH Roadmap, 10 starter questions for GROWTH and list of 30 core GROWTH questions
  • Invitation to next 90min group coaching sessions in current cycle via Zoom (upcoming dates)*
  • 12-part programme provided via the 90 day plan with direction and accountability (covering all 7 GROWTH levels and WEALTH check points)


per month

Best option for affordability!
*This is a recurring payment to access recordings and resources on a month-by-month basis. Once you've made 12 consecutive payments, you will be noted as an 'ActiveChallenger' and gain your identification code, all group coaching session dates, and full unlimited access to recordings and resources. If you cancel payments before the 12-month period is complete, you will not access future content.

Please note that it will be your responsibility to cancel the payment subscription after 12 successful, consecutive monthly payments, otherwise charges may continue and will not be refunded.


Group coaching
  • 7 x 90min group coaching session dates within a 12 month cycle (each session focuses on a different GROWTH level), following the roadmap
  • Induction pack including the GROWTH Roadmap, 10 starter questions for GROWTH and list of 30 core GROWTH questions
  • Invitation to all 90min group GROWTH coaching sessions via Zoom (upcoming and future cycle dates)
  • 12-part programme provided via the 90 day plan with direction and accountability (covering all 7 GROWTH levels and WEALTH check points)
  • Identification code for exclusive extras including special discounts
  • Full unlimited access to all group coaching session recordings and resources
  • Full unlimited access to all of the quarterly GROWTH community check-ins call recordings


for full immediate access

We have payments plans available for the ActiveChallenger status option only. The ChallengeActivation payment option is a monthly payment plan and the lowest most affordable offer we can make. Please choose the payment option (challenge status) you want and we will contact you to discuss next steps. 




Olivia D hinds

Olivia is a creative educator, GROWTH champion and governance coach, dedicated to helping individuals create positive change in their lives and achieve their life goals. With an International Business and Spanish degree, completing a corporate governance course, over a decade worth of experience engaging and educating audiences across generations and demographics globally, Olivia has honed her knowledge, skills and delivery in areas such as personal growth, career progression, and healthy lifestyle habits.

Known discussion topics:

education governance, hair and locs, well-being, relationship building, authenticity, principles and practices

You can follow me on: 

Community check ins


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Start Your Journey Now!

Join us and receive your GROWTH community welcome today.