Thank you!

We appreciate you for choosing GROWTH, and look forward to meeting and speaking with you. 

Now that your payment has been made, we are currently reviewing it and will be in touch to arrange the date/time of your consultation call or first coaching session. If you do not hear from us in 48hours, please contact us.

In the meantime, please complete the 10 starter questions form below three days before your conversation with Olivia.

Your GROWTH journey continues... and we're looking forward to working with you to evolve your mindset and life.

A peek into GROWTH Coaching with Olivia

This GROWTH Coaching programme is designed against a 90 day plan to work through all 30 of the core GROWTH questions at three intervals and have embedded WEALTH check points to pace your progression. For high impact, we recommend investing in the programme across 12-13 weeks, following the plan on 90 consecutive days. For deep immersion, we recommend investing in the programme plan across 12-13 months, following the plan by assigning blocks of days to each month.
Level 1 – Awakening
Level 2 – Aspiring
Level 3 – Actualising
Level 4 – Advancing
Level 5 – Attaining
Level 6 – Amplifying
Level 7 – Accelerating
plus WEALTH check points 


Meet  Olivia D hinds

Olivia is a creative educator, GROWTH champion and governance coach, dedicated to helping individuals create positive change in their lives and achieve their life goals. With an International Business and Spanish degree, completing a corporate governance course, over a decade worth of experience engaging and educating audiences across generations and demographics globally, Olivia has honed her knowledge, skills and delivery in areas such as personal growth, career progression, and healthy lifestyle habits.


Olivia is a totally inspiring and captivating speaker. She attended our governance conference in June '23 and spoke about her transformation from graduate to governor and the work she is doing to broaden awareness and understanding of governance with the Governors' Podcast. Olivia personifies what we , as a company try to do in the sector - she is passionate - brings a real world perspective to what she does and carries anyone who listens along with her. Very glad to be connected with her and hope we work together lots in future.